Event Crew Provision
Recruiting the numbers required to deliver an event is often a large undertaking. However, having the right people in place is often more important and can save on the amount of people you actually need.
We are able to provide event crew for any role required on an event, from an Event Director through to marshals. Every member of our crew has been through extensive training and will have many years of event experience behind them. We only provide crew for roles that they are suitable for based on their experience and their ability.
Roles we can provide staff for include:
- Event Directors
- Event Managers
- Health and Safety Managers
- Route Directors
- Route Managers
- Route Support Teams
- Route Signage Teams
- Logistics Managers
- Logistics Operatives
- Registration Managers
- Registration Crew
- Event Village Managers
- Site Managers
- Venue Managers
- Venue Crew
- Lead Bike/Car
- Rear Bike/Car
- Event Control Managers
- Event Control Loggists
- Radio Operatives
- Volunteer Managers
- A/V Technicians
- Financial Controllers